Is this pup a CUTIE?


What goes on in a Support Session?

We talk about you! I get to know where you are in life at the moment, then i use your Human Design to personalize my guidance. I share stories about my own life, since that is a big part of MY energy. You can share a little or a lot, it’s up to you. Each session is 60 minutes, and afterward you’ll receive some tips for alignment as well as a link to the recording.

Isn’t this just therapy/coaching?

With me, it’s like a conversation. I love to answer questions and hear feedback as I’m sharing the information with you. I am also on the journey along with you. I would consider myself more of a trusted confidante than a traditional therapist or coach. I hold no licenses or certifications.

You’ve mentioned Human Design, I’m not sure what that is. Is this a must know?

All I need from you is your BIRTHDATE, BIRTHPLACE, and BIRTH TIME. You don’t need to know anything about human design, nor will you encounter any ‘jargon’!

What if I’m not sure, can I speak with you prior to purchasing a session?

I am available for an email chat or social media voice note if you have a question about booking a session. Just send me an email through this site, or DM me at:
